Monday, August 2, 2010


Warning - turn off sound or mute podcast.

Firstly I shall talk about the process of creating the podcast. Not so difficult to follow but not without it's glitches. I recorded several times and was rewarded by a blank playback - time consuming and annoying. Finally I was recorded and duly published my podcast... I thought my work was over. I grabbed the embed code, to place the podcast in my blog, and clicked no on the box which said start playing automatically. It seems no means yes and yes means yes. Annoying - yes. Time consuming - Yes. I had wanted to post directly into my blog but I think for the sake of my blog followers I shall post an image of my podcast and link directly to it online.

My actual podcast is a reading of Mr McGee Goes to Sea by Pamela Allen. I think a great way to use podcasting in the classroom is to have audio books, especially for struggling readers. It could be used in a literacy rotation class, as extra support, for reading groups. Podcasting addresses the different learning styles in class.Another great aspect of podcasts is that it is available to the students 24/7 and can be accessed at home ensuring that learning does not only happen in the classroom.

I posted this podcast to show that podcasts could include visual images. I like this particular one as I think the maths is clearly explained and really engaging for the students. It is something they could do at home though the chocolate might not last for the entire maths factor family.


  1. Hi Juliet,
    I love the idea of using both powerpoint and podcasts, moviemaker etc to share books with the kids in the classroom. What a shame that we are restricted by copyright!
    You would think that as long as we purchase the original book or music, recording it to use for educational purposes in the classroom would be OK.
    I guess a way around that might be for children to tell their own versions of the story using alternate characters or sequencing,
    I found a great online book which explores many of the CRP's we are looking at with fairytales.
    Many of the activities it describes could be adapted to use with ICT's.

  2. Hi Juliet,
    Just to let you know that I too have had difficulty with podcasting. Tried it a week or so ago and gave up. I'm not really glad that you had trouble but it does make me feel a bit better if you know what I mean. I'm thinking of downloading Audacity. Anyway, it's a work in progress... did you add the ABC widget? I clicked on Add Get this widget today, copied the code but then was a bit lost when I went back to my own blog. Tried Edit Page (found some things I should probably be doing there) but couldn't see where to drop the widget code? If you have time and can share the next step it would be much appreciated...Ta, Kim

  3. Hi Kim

    Yes as I just wrote to Matt, the pod casting experience was arduous. I did solve my recording issue though by adjusting the microphone volume. It worked straight away. Perhaps you should give that a go.

