Monday, August 2, 2010

Fruit and Vegetable Decomposition, Time-lapse

More Time Lapse videos and other Fun Videos at

This clip is suitable for a science unit, life and living.

youtube clips are effective in the classroom as hooks into the lesson or unit. In saying that there is a danger in over using it and relying on the students to engage. Personally I am becoming desensitised to clips on future learning as they have been used over and over again through out our university courses.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Juliet,

    I agree with your statement of becoming desensitised by YouTube clips. Video clips are a great way to engage learners and present information in a novel way, however, if over used can detract from learnings as students disengage. I conceptualise YouTube clips as way to spark interest and create a platform for learning. The YouTube clips I have seen (and engaged me) have spurred some deeper thinking and excitement into learning. I can still remember some of the clips showed in my University classes and from that remember some of the content the video clip demonstrated. As professionals there needs to be consideration and thought into the intended outcome and purpose for utilising a video clip into our lessons. The video clip cannot be a end to itself.

    Thank you for your post, it really has made me reflect on the use and purpose of using video clips.

