Saturday, July 31, 2010

Visual literacy

Please feel free to use the PowerPoint we created for our English presentation. You will find the resource page and the end. If you wish to download,
simply click on Visual Literacy.
I uploaded this PowerPoint presentation on to the internet using SlideShare. It was a relatively easy process to upload and it has a link to embed in blogger.
I chose to use this program so the PowerPoint would play in the blog and the actual Powerpoint program was not needed to view it. In an educational setting I think it is important to keep things in a safe place and with less programs opening up which could lead to confusion. In addition many students are purchasing netbooks which do not always have the PowerPoint program installed.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Images, Images, Images

Images are a great visual tool to stimulate discussion in the classroom. I have chosen the image of the water drop and these are just some ideas for this image.
  • a Science unit on the water cycle
  • a SOSE unit on sustainability
  • an English unit, where it could be used to prompt a narrative or a poem
  • a Technology unit to design water catchment devices
These are just some ideas off the top of my head for this image.

This image was created using a program called textorizer. I really like it because of the mix of images and text. The textorizer program provides the user with endless possibilities of embedding text into the image and has an alternate function where the image can be created by the text. The picture I have used is the symbol for the Habit of Mind; Creating,Imagining and Innovating.
Textorizer could be used in school for example to create different posters for the room, a vocabulary poster with a difference and students can experiment with mixing images and text in a simple to use program.


This image was created using the online photo picnik. The original image was cropped and I made 6 different images playing with different colour saturation and hues. Once I decided on the images I liked I put them into the collage application in the program and played around until I got the combination of images and framing I liked. I was then able to add text to the image and publish it easily on my blog.
I believe that having the possibility to manipulate images helps the students learn about the conventions of an image, for example, the colour, tone, framing, form. The students also gain the understanding that images can be changed and or altered to convey a message. Students increase their ability to decode and encode visual images while enhancing their critical literacy skills.

While I think the picnik program is easy to use and has some cool features, it is an online program and may not be reached in some schools. Programs such a picassa can be downloaded onto your computer and has most of the same photo editing tools.

Big Huge Labs is another online digital photo editing tool. Using your images it is you can make and edit movie posters, magazine covers, wanted posters, collages, mosaics, popart etc. It is fun and very easy to use.

It could be good to use in the classroom because it demonstrates the layout of specific genres of visual images... and the students would have fun with it.

If It Was My Home - Visualizing the BP Oil Spill

I found this site and wanted to share it as it is so topical.

I'm not sure that I really had any idea of the size of the BP oil spill until I saw it in this perspective. It made me think about our students, how important it is to tap into their prior knowledge and to make materials relevant to them. Imagine if this had happened here? Has it happened here? Who can remember the impact of the oil spill on the sunshine coast, and Moreton Islands? How big was that spill in comparison to the BP spill?

This picture would be a great stimulus for a SOSE, Science, and/or Technology unit as the enormity of the disaster is plain to see and would increase an awareness of the environmental impact this spill is having and will have for many years to come.

Sunday, July 18, 2010



This is a prezi created for out ESS assignment 1. We chose to use a prezi as we wanted to hide some information and to use its movement to demonstrate the sideways, backward and forward motion involved in problem solving. Great concept, but although it ran perfectly for us in rehearsal we had a couple of computer glitches on the evening.

The actual creating of the prezi was not so difficult once you got used to the editing tools. I actually sat back in awe of my digital native co author as he swiftly maneuvered his way around the prezi hiding information in the smallest of places. I realised as I was watching him develop the skills required to create the prezi, that our digital native students, even at the younger level are capable of using tools that we might think to be too difficult. It has me pondering..."Are we at danger of with holding use of ICT tools because of our own inabilities and fears?".

More engaging than powerpoint.
It can combine text, images and multimedia.
It can be created and edited by a group of people and can be accessed out of school hours.
Things can be hidden in the prezi until they need to be seen.
Can use the zoom function to highlight different areas.

Over use of the zoom function can make people feel sea sick.
It may pose some difficulty for the younger learners.
Need to download PDF file to print it out.
Reliant on technology and internet speed.

It has a wow factor.
Works on a canvas rather than slides.
It may reduce the amount of text used in presentation.

Graphic knowledge engines.

I wanted to share these sites as I liked them and feel they could be really useful.

Eyeplorer is described by its designers as a "graphical knowledge engine" . Applications in the classroom could include;
  • narrowing the research field of a particular topic
  • ideas for brainstorming a topic
  • providing key words for research
  • improving vocabulary skills

Visuwords is another online graphic dictionary, a combination of a dictionary and a thesaurus. It provides definitions and associations to other words and concepts. Another useful tool to increase vocabulary.

Friday, July 16, 2010

LMS and RSS - Acronyms from the WWW

What is a LMS?
Turns out it is a Learning Management System, commonly recognised by CQU students as Moodle or Blackboard. It is basically a web based hub where students can access course profiles, study guides, materials for learning, complete questionaires, take part in online forums and upload assignments.

Moodle vs Blackboard - I can not remember blackboard and have never thought bring blackboard back...winner must be Moodle. It is easier to navigate, better links to course material and much easier to link with other students.

I think that this is a good tool for University, TAFE and distance learning. Being able to access the content from anywhere at any time is an advantage for the busy student. Educators are able to check for student participation with the course.

It allows for behavourist learning - online quizzes, cognitivist learning - the lessons are organised in a particular order for scaffolded learning, and constructivist learning - social interraction and shared learning within a scaffolded environment.

RSS - Really Simple Syndication.

Basically it requires the services of an "aggregator" such as GoogleReader. Simply open an account with GoogleReader, subscribe to any website, newspaper, blog or wiki displaying a symbol like the one above, and hey presto, feeds from those sites are automatically sent to your inbox.
It is a really useful tool as it saves time wasting, keeps the reader up to date with the information they are interested in, and it is in one easy to find place. Since discovering this tool I have started receiving feeds from the blogs I am following, and added some Educational wikis I have found along the way. I really enjoy learning about new tools on the WWW or Web 2.0 and love to try them, then use them. I would like my students to embrace and use new and useful internet tools although I suspect that I may learn many more from my digital native learners.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I have just read both the Learning Engagement theory framework (Keirsley and Schneiderman, 1998) and the Big Six framework developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz .

The Learning Engagement theory, Relate, Create and Donate is about creating meaningful, interactive and worthwhile tasks.

The Big 6 is a problem solving model addressing information and technological tool skills required to navigate the information overload that we are exposed to. This is within the phases of:
  1. Task definition
  2. Information seeking strategies
  3. Locating and accessing
  4. Use of information
  5. Synthesis
  6. Evaluation
It draws parallels to Marzano and Pickerings( 2006) Dimensions of Learning framework, which is of course:
  1. Attitudes and Perceptions
  2. Acquire and Integrate Knowledge
  3. Extend and refine knowledge
  4. Use knowledge meaningfully
  5. Habits of mind
Whilst I like the Learning Engagement theory framework because of its collaborative and project based approach the Big Six appears to be specifically tapered for information and technology focusing on search and technology skills needed to locate, access, process, and use information effectively. This is the framework I shall adopt when analysing the various digital tools in my blog.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Making wiki

Moving at a rapid pace much like the technology surrounding us, I have hurtled into Web2.0,making my first wiki. The creation part was simple and easy to follow, but the layout decision was time consuming... as always. Implications for students are that they would not have to waste time worrying about layout and it is relatively easy to edit pages, making it accessible to every one.

The difference between a blog and a wiki? As a newby to wikis and blogs, I needed information and Googled Wiki vs blog for an answer. According to a blog is usually written by one person whereas a wiki is written and edited by a variety of authors making it a collaborative website. Whilst a blog is one post at a time a wiki is flexible, grows quickly, and is continuously updated and changed.

Implications for using a wiki within the Big 6 framework according to Jansen(2006) are as follows:
  • The task or project can be introduced on the wiki home page, engaging and motivating students
  • Documents can be uploaded and made available for specific groups
  • Documents stored in one place and easily accessible
  • Students take ownership of their learning
  • Students gather information and make info pages, charting their progress
  • Resources, notes, journal entries, planning, self and group evaluations can be stored and organised by the students.
  • Teacher is able to provide feedback on students progress
  • Wiki is accessible from home and school

Monday, July 12, 2010


Image courtesy of

Avatar courtesy of

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Concept Maps 2.0 - Week one overview

My week one overview is displayed in a concept map created on Words can be easily moved, and or linked and there is an extra facility to label the connecting lines. The colours are interesting to look at and they can be used to enhance groups or classification. It is a fun and easy tool to use and I could see, that with a bit of practice, I would be able to be use it during a brainstorming session in the classroom. With some scaffolding and practice students would be able to create their own maps.
I did have an issue with downloading the finished product , getting half of my concept map, therefore before using this tool in the classroom the problem would need to be resolved. In the end I used a snipping tool to take a snap shot of the map so the image may not be as sharp as it should be.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Blog 1.0 - The Beginning

Although I am placed firmly within the digital immigrant age group I have embraced digital technologies, particularly the computer and the internet. The internet plays a part in my daily routine, providing access to national and international news and enabling contact with overseas friends. I prefer IM to email and have never blogged before this evening. As blogging or diary writing is not second nature to me, I do have some trepidation about writing my own blog, but I look forward to becoming more familiar with the process and enjoying sharing my thoughts.

It is easy to see how blogging can be beneficial in an educational setting. It could help improve writing skills, and promote self expression and reflection.
Blogging is interactive, giving students a voice in a local and global setting and allowing peer and teacher feedback.

I enjoyed this youtube clip... best watched with the music on mute!!