Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I have just read both the Learning Engagement theory framework (Keirsley and Schneiderman, 1998) and the Big Six framework developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz .

The Learning Engagement theory, Relate, Create and Donate is about creating meaningful, interactive and worthwhile tasks.

The Big 6 is a problem solving model addressing information and technological tool skills required to navigate the information overload that we are exposed to. This is within the phases of:
  1. Task definition
  2. Information seeking strategies
  3. Locating and accessing
  4. Use of information
  5. Synthesis
  6. Evaluation
It draws parallels to Marzano and Pickerings( 2006) Dimensions of Learning framework, which is of course:
  1. Attitudes and Perceptions
  2. Acquire and Integrate Knowledge
  3. Extend and refine knowledge
  4. Use knowledge meaningfully
  5. Habits of mind
Whilst I like the Learning Engagement theory framework because of its collaborative and project based approach the Big Six appears to be specifically tapered for information and technology focusing on search and technology skills needed to locate, access, process, and use information effectively. This is the framework I shall adopt when analysing the various digital tools in my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Juliet,
    I found that the two learning frameworks were quite different and in fact I could imagine using the Big 6 framework within the Engagement Theory framework.
    What do you think?
