Monday, July 12, 2010


Image courtesy of

Avatar courtesy of


  1. Hi Penguin!
    I enjoyed your new avatar and agree that there are many different applications for this type of avatar. If this site allows you to import pictures of any kind they could easily be turned into experts for inclusion in web quests as you have already suggested. This site would also allow application of creativity and choice which students enjoy and engage with more readily. It could also become the voice of behaviour management from a pre recorded script. I used to make my first avatar and found that although the program limits choice it was easy to use for someone like me with limited technology skills. Looking forward to your next blog.

  2. Thanks for your comments Red Zebra. I checked out your avatar and really liked your choice of the purple car. I had not thought to use an inanimate object but realise that is a very engaging way of using an avatar too, particularly with the earlier levels.
    That lead me to thinking about the Year 1/2 webquest I created last year for the SOSE assignment. It would have been so beneficial to have used an avatar for instruction and guidance through the webquest. An avatar would have provided audio to sit alongside the written instruction and would have assisted better understanding and movement through the investigation.
    I also like the fact they are easy to create and can not help but wonder if we would see a wider use in the classroom if more teachers pushed the boundaries of their limited technology skills.
