Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Making wiki

Moving at a rapid pace much like the technology surrounding us, I have hurtled into Web2.0,making my first wiki. The creation part was simple and easy to follow, but the layout decision was time consuming... as always. Implications for students are that they would not have to waste time worrying about layout and it is relatively easy to edit pages, making it accessible to every one.

The difference between a blog and a wiki? As a newby to wikis and blogs, I needed information and Googled Wiki vs blog for an answer. According to wetpaint.com a blog is usually written by one person whereas a wiki is written and edited by a variety of authors making it a collaborative website. Whilst a blog is one post at a time a wiki is flexible, grows quickly, and is continuously updated and changed.

Implications for using a wiki within the Big 6 framework according to Jansen(2006) are as follows:
  • The task or project can be introduced on the wiki home page, engaging and motivating students
  • Documents can be uploaded and made available for specific groups
  • Documents stored in one place and easily accessible
  • Students take ownership of their learning
  • Students gather information and make info pages, charting their progress
  • Resources, notes, journal entries, planning, self and group evaluations can be stored and organised by the students.
  • Teacher is able to provide feedback on students progress
  • Wiki is accessible from home and school

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jules
    I like the implications that you have noted for using a wiki in an educational setting. The inclusion of a wiki in the classroom supports constructivist learning where the students discover how to learn a concept on their own which according to Leadbeater (2002) maybe where the future of learning is headed.
