Friday, July 9, 2010

Blog 1.0 - The Beginning

Although I am placed firmly within the digital immigrant age group I have embraced digital technologies, particularly the computer and the internet. The internet plays a part in my daily routine, providing access to national and international news and enabling contact with overseas friends. I prefer IM to email and have never blogged before this evening. As blogging or diary writing is not second nature to me, I do have some trepidation about writing my own blog, but I look forward to becoming more familiar with the process and enjoying sharing my thoughts.

It is easy to see how blogging can be beneficial in an educational setting. It could help improve writing skills, and promote self expression and reflection.
Blogging is interactive, giving students a voice in a local and global setting and allowing peer and teacher feedback.

I enjoyed this youtube clip... best watched with the music on mute!!

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