Sunday, July 18, 2010



This is a prezi created for out ESS assignment 1. We chose to use a prezi as we wanted to hide some information and to use its movement to demonstrate the sideways, backward and forward motion involved in problem solving. Great concept, but although it ran perfectly for us in rehearsal we had a couple of computer glitches on the evening.

The actual creating of the prezi was not so difficult once you got used to the editing tools. I actually sat back in awe of my digital native co author as he swiftly maneuvered his way around the prezi hiding information in the smallest of places. I realised as I was watching him develop the skills required to create the prezi, that our digital native students, even at the younger level are capable of using tools that we might think to be too difficult. It has me pondering..."Are we at danger of with holding use of ICT tools because of our own inabilities and fears?".

More engaging than powerpoint.
It can combine text, images and multimedia.
It can be created and edited by a group of people and can be accessed out of school hours.
Things can be hidden in the prezi until they need to be seen.
Can use the zoom function to highlight different areas.

Over use of the zoom function can make people feel sea sick.
It may pose some difficulty for the younger learners.
Need to download PDF file to print it out.
Reliant on technology and internet speed.

It has a wow factor.
Works on a canvas rather than slides.
It may reduce the amount of text used in presentation.

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