Sunday, July 25, 2010

If It Was My Home - Visualizing the BP Oil Spill

I found this site and wanted to share it as it is so topical.

I'm not sure that I really had any idea of the size of the BP oil spill until I saw it in this perspective. It made me think about our students, how important it is to tap into their prior knowledge and to make materials relevant to them. Imagine if this had happened here? Has it happened here? Who can remember the impact of the oil spill on the sunshine coast, and Moreton Islands? How big was that spill in comparison to the BP spill?

This picture would be a great stimulus for a SOSE, Science, and/or Technology unit as the enormity of the disaster is plain to see and would increase an awareness of the environmental impact this spill is having and will have for many years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jules
    What a great discovery! This would make a fantastic inclusion within a SOSE unit of work for students that has authentic links to the real world and could become the basis of substantive conversations within the learning focus. Linking to personal experience and the real word is suggested as exemplary practice in Productive Pedagogies (Education Queensland, 2002) and generates connectedness.
