Friday, July 16, 2010

LMS and RSS - Acronyms from the WWW

What is a LMS?
Turns out it is a Learning Management System, commonly recognised by CQU students as Moodle or Blackboard. It is basically a web based hub where students can access course profiles, study guides, materials for learning, complete questionaires, take part in online forums and upload assignments.

Moodle vs Blackboard - I can not remember blackboard and have never thought bring blackboard back...winner must be Moodle. It is easier to navigate, better links to course material and much easier to link with other students.

I think that this is a good tool for University, TAFE and distance learning. Being able to access the content from anywhere at any time is an advantage for the busy student. Educators are able to check for student participation with the course.

It allows for behavourist learning - online quizzes, cognitivist learning - the lessons are organised in a particular order for scaffolded learning, and constructivist learning - social interraction and shared learning within a scaffolded environment.

RSS - Really Simple Syndication.

Basically it requires the services of an "aggregator" such as GoogleReader. Simply open an account with GoogleReader, subscribe to any website, newspaper, blog or wiki displaying a symbol like the one above, and hey presto, feeds from those sites are automatically sent to your inbox.
It is a really useful tool as it saves time wasting, keeps the reader up to date with the information they are interested in, and it is in one easy to find place. Since discovering this tool I have started receiving feeds from the blogs I am following, and added some Educational wikis I have found along the way. I really enjoy learning about new tools on the WWW or Web 2.0 and love to try them, then use them. I would like my students to embrace and use new and useful internet tools although I suspect that I may learn many more from my digital native learners.

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