Sunday, July 18, 2010

Graphic knowledge engines.

I wanted to share these sites as I liked them and feel they could be really useful.

Eyeplorer is described by its designers as a "graphical knowledge engine" . Applications in the classroom could include;
  • narrowing the research field of a particular topic
  • ideas for brainstorming a topic
  • providing key words for research
  • improving vocabulary skills

Visuwords is another online graphic dictionary, a combination of a dictionary and a thesaurus. It provides definitions and associations to other words and concepts. Another useful tool to increase vocabulary.


  1. Hi Juliet

    What a fantastic tool Visuword is. I can just see my class using this tool with their spelling word lists. My mentor teacher chooses 3 words from their spelling list ewach week and asks the stduents to look the word up in a dictionary to find the meaning and what type of word it is ie noun, adjective etc. This is a fantastic way to make that sourcing of inforamtion more engaging and enables the students to go one step further and really look at the words in detail.

    I wonder if this will work in the classroom on the Qld Education platform. I will give it a try this week.

    Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Hi Miss Daisy

    Glad you liked visuword.I think it is great visual tool for teachers and students. I really like the way it links to other words and terms and provides a much better understanding of the original word. The grammar focus is particularly helpful, especially now with a focus back on grammar in the schools.

    Did you get to try it out at school? I would love to hear if it worked in school.

  3. Actually I havent yet But I was sharing your find with a friend of mine who creates websites and he was very excited about!

    So well done nothing like showing the experts a new trick!
